The TN Epsilon chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon is proud to announce we ranked #1 in grades for IFC at Tennessee Tech! We are extremely proud of these young men for taking the initiative and to use diligence to work hard and secure a Chapter Average GPA of 3.27 for the Fall Semester of 2024.…
SigEp TN Epsilon Ranked #1 in Grades for IFC
Life After College 2024
The brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon’s Tennessee Epsilon chapter had the privilege to attend SigEp’s Life After College national convention 11/15-11/17. Our brothers were able to attend conferences for professional development where they got to ask questions and were given helpful advice to navigate their career fields as they networked with brothers of other chapters. We…
Carlson Leadership Academy
Tennessee Epsilon’s Executive Board goes to Atlanta, GA for Carlson
Chapter Announces New Chapter Site
Our chapter recently created a new website. Check out this post to learn more about all the functionality of the new site!